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J.H. Müller GmbH Raw materials for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and dietetics

Aloe Vera Powder, concentrated 200:1, spray dried


Origins and characteristics: The goods originate from China. The Aloe Vera concentrated powder 200:1 Is won from the 100 % fiber free, crystal clear gel from inside the AloeVera leaves.( Aloe barbadensis Miller). The cleaning and concentration processes remove any substances which are responsible for the discolouration and disintegration of the A.V. ingredients. The spray drying results in a light cream coloured powder.
Usage: A.V. concentrate 200:1 is a highly concentrated Aloe product. The high concentration makes it possible to work with it in very small doses. This product is used in nutritional supplements and in cosmetics.
Order number
Aloe Barbadensis
Aloe Vera