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J.H. Müller GmbH Raw materials for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and dietetics

Acerola Powder with 17% natural vitamin C


Origins and characteristics: As one of the richest vitamin C plants, the acerola cherry forms the base of the Acerola fruit pulver. Due the controlled harvesting of exclusively chosen Acerola cherries, the consistent high value quality can be guaranteed. The raw material, Acerola cherry (Malpighia punicifolia L.)comes from middle and south America.( Puerto Rico, Brazil etc). A special manufacturing process produces a yellow brownish crystalline powder. This is dissolvable in water as a colloid.
Usage: Acerola fruit powder is widely used in the nutritional supplements industry as an ingredient in many different ways eg. Juices, bars, Muesli, sports nutrition as well as in tablet form, for capsules or lozenges.
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